Public Scholarship

Co-Organized Events
Modern Extremism and the Medieval World, undergraduate research workshop with a keynote address from Sammy Rangel, Cornell University 
History in a Time of Polarization: A Day of conversation between academic and public-facing professionals, series of multidisciplinary discussion panels, Columbia University 
Medievalist Toolkit Working Session, symposium with medievalists, journalists, and social workers, Columbia University 
Speaking Engagements 
Project Belonging Spring 2024 Mentor Panel, Teachers College, Columbia University 
“The Medievalist Toolkit: Building bridges between academics and public-facing professionals,” Community Outreach Workshop, Medieval Academy of America 
“Collaboration and the Future of Medieval Studies,” IUDC Medieval Symposium, Fordham University 
“Medievalist Toolkit: Rethinking outreach and medieval narratives,” Haskins Society Online Conference, Carleton College 
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Bootcamp, Columbia University and Barnard College 
Other experience
2024: Associate Producer for the short film “Le Jardin d’Afrique: An interview with Rachid Koraïchi in the memorial garden and graveyard for migrants in Zarzis (Tunisia),” produced by Avinoam Shalem for Black Mediterranean - Artistic Encounters and Counter-narratives, a Getty Foundation Connecting Art Histories initiative

2022-2024: Rapporteur for the Public Humanities University Seminar: Expanding Scholarship and Pedagogy, Columbia University

2016: Associate Producer for the short film “Women Mediating Peace,” produced by ART WORKS Projects for the United States Institute of Peace [Link]

2016: Co-author for the article Shephardson, Britton L. et al., “Terevaka Archaeological Outreach (TAO) 2016 field report: Exploring a new dimension,” Rapa Nui Journal 30, no. 2 (2016): 61-64. 

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